ISSN: 2697-0708 ● DOI: 10.51443/RestauraRios


Presentation of manuscripts

Manuscript files should be sent as email attachments to If the files are too big to be send as attachments, please contact that same email address to agree with the editors on other possibilities.

Instructions for authors


All authors who send a manuscript to RestauraRios must agree with the contents of manuscript and with its presentation. All authors must have had an active role in the idea, design, analysis, interpretation and/or writing of document and should have critically reviewed the manuscript and approved the final version sent for publication. Contributions should be mentioned in Acknowledgments.

Types of manuscripts

Authors are free to organize their manuscript as they prefer. For standard research papers, we recommend a classic Introduction / Methods / Results / Discussion organization, but authors can organize headings and subtitles in any other way. In any case, number of subsections will not exceed three (that is, 1.1.1.).

Manuscript length

Manuscripts must be concise, not including superfluous text. In any case, works should never exceed 10,000 words (from the beginning of introduction to the end of acknowledgments). Tables and figures will be presented separately. A manuscript will not be peer reviewed if the editors estimate it longer than necessary.

Manuscript language

Manuscripts can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Manuscript in which language usage does not allow a simple understanding of what authors wish to explain will not be peer reviewed. All works must include a summary in English.

Preparation of the manuscript

Manuscripts will be sent as plain text, with numbered lines. Tables and figures will be sent at the end of the document or in a separate document and with sufficient quality to be edited.

The document must include, at least:

  • Title
  • Name of all authors and affiliation, indicating the corresponding author.
  • Summary with no more than 250 words in the language chosen for publication and in English.
  • 3 to 5 keywords arranged alphabetically.
  • Acknowledgments, if there were any.
  • Acknowledgments, if there were any.
  • References.
  • Tables and figures if necessary.

Tables should be used to support textual statements and clarify important points. Tables should, as far as possible, be self-explanatory and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Provide a short heading for each table (5-10 words), followed by a concise but complete explanation of the table's content.

All graphics, drawings and photographs are considered figures and must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Figures should not contain details that may be lost when reduced for printing. Figures, together with their captions, should be easy to understand without reference to the main text. Provide a short figure caption (5-10 words) followed by a concise but complete explanation of the content of the figure. Figures must be of sufficient quality for correct viewing and printing (300 ppi).

If figures are not property of authors, they must prove that they are in possession of the rights of use and publication, which must agree with the journal's open access policy. The source will be mentioned in parentheses at the end of the figure caption.

Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must be given in metric units (SI units).

References will be cited using the APA style ( All references must be cited in the text. Internet references must be incorporated alongside the others.

The name of journal must be written in full, indicating names of all authors, year of publication, full title of article and volume, as well as initial and final pages. In case of books, in addition to names of the authors, city and publisher in which book was published must also be provided.

In the text, references to cited authors will be made with author's first surname and year; for example, Surname (2020). For works with two authors they will be referred to as Surname and Surname (2020), and for more than two authors they will be referred to as Surname et al. (2020).

The web pages will be cited as:

Surname, A., Surname, B., and Surname, C. (May 20, 2020). Title of web page. Name of page. https: // url.

In those websites with frequent updates, consultation date will be included.